Thursday, December 18, 2008

And so she begins....

I considered making this my journal in which I blog about this journey we will call the cochlear implant. Then I realized that is nothing short of absurd as my journey is so much more than the cochlear implant and so I think this will just be the journey of me. I still use my myspace, facebook, and live journal the most. I think I always will. However, I will try to be better about using this to do more than to read of those I love.

A couple months ago David-Michael came to me to tell me he wanted to find out about the cochlear implant. The ramifications of this decision are more than epic. A small ripple in a pool that never ends. As it is almost 1am I will have to refrain from getting into the endless details. I can say that we have started the process to determine IF he is even a candidate. A process that is so much more intense than even I could imagine. We have already had a CT & MRI. Are getting him set up with digital aids and I am suppose to set up a test with the genetic testing. And this has all been in the last couple weeks.

To add to it all.. my little girl is no longer a little girl. My MiKaela is 13 today. The emotions that surround this monumental event in my life (and in hers) have been more than I can express at this time.

How quickly time changes. Such a beautiful girl. Such a passionate spirit!!!
More to come about life in Mandy Land!


Sashbury said...

OH your babies are always your babies!!! Just taller. I'm so glad that you are using a blog I can see!! Good luck with DM and the implants!!

Shelli said...

I'm so glad you are making a blog so I can see it!

Wow! I remember meeting David Michael when he was a brand little baby and you hadn't yet discovered that he was deaf. It's amazing that so much time has passed. I may be admitting by ignorance, but are these implants the kind they put in the brain that makes a person be able to hear? I hope it all works out for him. I'll be watching for updates!

Evan's Mom said...

The one that gets me is Rie, I thnk she was 3 when I met her! Now she is almost as tall as me!!!